Earlier, CouriersPlease commissioned a survey to explore whether online shoppers prefer purchasing from retailers that sell products in a single niche (such as clothing or mobile accessories) over large online marketplaces like Amazon or eBay, where products from multiple categories can be purchased.
Majority of respondents prefer purchasing from niche shops however, when respondents were told that Amazon will be providing low prices, a vast selection of products and fast delivery than 9 out of 10 survey respondents said they would flock over to the US e-commerce giant for their online shopping.
The survey explored Amazon’s three major areas namely low price, vast selection and speedy delivery – to measure what was more important for Aussie shoppers. 68% of respondents noted that ‘lower prices’ would be the main reason they would purchase from Amazon.
The insights included that prices were more important for younger age groups than older generations. while having a vast product range was more important for older generations than younger generations. The speedy delivery emerged as least important factor for survey respondents.
The takeaway for sellers looking to sell on Amazon Australia is that price is the most important factor for online shoppers. Amazon brings in large number of customers but ensuring that customer buy your product depends upon many factors including price, title, description, branding, product image and customer reviews but most important factor of all is the pricing and in that regard the Amazon FBA program apart from providing you with hassle free order fulfillment also gives small seller a fighting chance by ensuring that their offers get to buy box (subscribe to learn more about it) and allow more competitive pricing while ensuring that buy box is retained.
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